i don’t want to believe…

April 10, 2008 at 6:51 pm (thoughts)

There is this person who seems so close to being the ideal one I can imagine being together with, though I  know that it is really impossible since we’re on different directions of life, but weird enough, every time that I seem to forget about this person, our paths will cross, we’ll surprisingly bumped into each other, and I have to admit it’s nice seeing the glittering smile on that person’s face, and I know that I myself is gleaming with such a unique smile of unidentified happiness. This person is a nice friend, though we never get to see each other that often, and I don’t think there will be something beyond our simple friendship, but sometimes, it came across me that anything could be possible, nonetheless, I’m avoiding myself to hope, I will always be happy whenever I see this person, and if all else permits us to bump with each other again and give us the chance to spend more time, then I think that will be a chance for me to know the answer to this uncertainty, it can really happen, but hoping might just left me with nothing, this is why I do not want to believe…

I just want to maintain the realism of reality… 🙂

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